Divine Nature - 2021
installationprojet spécialement réalisé pour la serre du Théâtre de l’Orangerie
avec le soutien du Fonds Municipal Art Contemporain de la Ville de Genève

Divine Nature is an exhibition that takes place in the year 3300, and provides access to the archives of a population that probably lived around the year 2100.
The installation consists of synthetic plant sculptures found by paleo-climatologists in ice cores. The works are displayed in the same way as an ethnographic museum would have done, highlighting the pieces and their status as icons, anchored in the sacred like an altar that would enhance plant relics. Pagan icons seem to follow a process, an observable, identifiable algorithmic logic - a possible object of adoration. These divine ruins seem to be shaken by the behaviour of other humans. We can only imagine what was the reason for the existence of such artefacts, guessing at the motivations behind their making: an iconography generated by, and attesting to, the transcendental emotions of a bygone era, a way of making sense of a sacred afterlife, or pure creation of esoteric influence.
Interview : https://radiovostok.ch/interview-incantatoire-autour-de-divine-nature-du-z1-studio/
The installation consists of synthetic plant sculptures found by paleo-climatologists in ice cores. The works are displayed in the same way as an ethnographic museum would have done, highlighting the pieces and their status as icons, anchored in the sacred like an altar that would enhance plant relics. Pagan icons seem to follow a process, an observable, identifiable algorithmic logic - a possible object of adoration. These divine ruins seem to be shaken by the behaviour of other humans. We can only imagine what was the reason for the existence of such artefacts, guessing at the motivations behind their making: an iconography generated by, and attesting to, the transcendental emotions of a bygone era, a way of making sense of a sacred afterlife, or pure creation of esoteric influence.
Interview : https://radiovostok.ch/interview-incantatoire-autour-de-divine-nature-du-z1-studio/

photo : Sandra Pointet